Connecticut Well Water Testing
Real Estate, Rentals & New Well Installation Tests

Properties served by private wells used for drinking water must be tested for primary and secondary contaminants upon the sale or lease of any real estate property. Upon signing of a contract for sale or lease, the seller must have a water quality test conducted. The results of the water test must be delivered to both the buyer and seller or lessee(s).

All new private well installations, prior to first use, must also be tested for the primary and secondary contaminants listed by law.

The required tests can differ based on each county’s requirements. A Connecticut State Department of Public Health (CTDPH) Basic Test is required; however, sellers and those installing new wells are advised to check with their local governments to ensure they are ordering the correct test.

We have field sampling teams available to visit your location and handle the water sample collection process. Learn more about our Connecticut well water testing below.

Well water testing Connecticut

CTDPH Basic Test

The Analytes tested are:

York Analytical Laboratories Water Test Kit
  • Arsenic
  • Chloride
  • Total Coliform/E.coli
  • Alkalinity
  • Nitrate
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Turbidity
  • Sulfate
  • pH
  • Hardness
  • Sodium
  • Copper
  • Uranium
  • Color
  • Odor